Page Rank | All you need to know

Page Rank
Page Rank

The History of Page Rank

Page Rank is named after Larry Page, American businessman, internet entrepreneur, and of course co-founder of google. Sergey Brin and Page developed Page Rank in 1996 at Stanford University. These two have had much success, Page Rank being one of the biggest.

What is Page Rank

Page Rank is an algorithm that ranks a page and indicates the relative authority and trustworthiness of a website. It basically acts as a judge and value and assigns a website to a ranking. This is the biggest factor when it comes to SERP rankings, besides paid searches. As of 2016 google stopped showing the PR to the public. The overall purpose of this is to determine the importance of a given webpage in a network. A huge factor that goes into these rankings in accessing the quantity and quality of inbound links.

Check out this video by MEDIAVINE to learn more about Page Rank!

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