How Amazon has very Loyal Customer and is Growing

Shows the current logo of Amazon

How and why is it so effective?

Amazon has adopted a tactic that has been so effective for many years. When you add something to your Amazon cart you will automatically be reccomened what people who also bought the same thing as you bought. This tactic has gotten the best of me and I have bought things that I dont need but were reccomened to me that looked cool or useful. Although sometimes this may be a trick to get you to buy more, but I have found that it has actually helped me sometimes.

For example, I needed a new memory card for my camera, and when I was checking out I got reccomended a memory card reader. Then I realized I didnt have the proper memory card reader because I had gotten a new phone and my old reader would no longer work. I had just forgot to buy one when I got a new phone, so this reccomendation really helped me out. All of the reccomened items also have very high ratings and will often be branded with “Best Seller”, “Overall pick”, or “Popular Brand Pick”. This helps other brands get engagement and helps them get more clicks when it is on a big site such as Amazon. Down below is a link to what is trending on Amazon!

Amazon is very successful and the reccomended buy is only one of the tactics thats makes Amazon A Force to Be Reakoned With. Watch out for the Reccomened buy (sometimes it might get you when you least expect it, but if you have a postive expericence with this function comment down below!

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4 Responses

  1. higginsmr20 says:

    This was a good post. There is definitely a reason Amazon isn’t slowing down anytime soon.

  2. mlwiley says:

    I love this post because it shows just how many SEO tactics Amazon uses and we do not even realize that we are being sold to a lot of the time! They effectively and efficiently use search tools to sell things to us and it has only gotten more advanced!

  3. RApetschke says:

    Wow, I didn’t realize Amazon was so on top of driving demand. That’s really cool that they do that because it’s definitely been helpful for me in the past! On a side note, I’d recommend using a different type color against an orange background because the current result is a little bit jarring

  4. macarthurfe21 says:

    As someone who only online shops on Amazon, I am a sucker for seeing “based on these searches” or “best seller” and I do agree that this is a tactic Amazon has nailed probably more than any other company.

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