
If you’re desperate for an hour of animated elevator pitches, watch a couple Shark Tank presentations to get your fill. And, just maybe, you’ll pick up a few sales tricks along the way.

In September of this past year, published an article revealing “10 Things Shark Tank Investors Look For.” It proved to be an insightful list modeled off the tendencies of some of the most successful entrepreneurs out there. So, kick back, pretend you’re Mark Cuban, and let the people do the talking:

  1. Give them something interesting. This is fundamental to anyone selling. If your target doesn’t care, give them a reason to…and if they still don’t, you need to go back to square one.
  2. A proven moneymaker. Whether it will make your prospect money or save them money, just like the judges on Shark Tank, they want to know what their return on investment will yield.
  3. Someone they respect.
  4. Someone who’s committed. Both this and number 3 seem like no brainers, but salespeople need to exude a respectful attitude and demonstrate they’ll deliver, even if it does seem basic.
  5. Long-term potential. No one wants to invest a chunk of change, only to see the product or service flat line. Salespeople should try the sustainable pitch.
  6. A high profit margin.
  7. Affordable products and services. You don’t need to sell to every man, but you do need to sell to the price point of at least a few men. Make your pitch affordable to your prospect, whoever that may be.
  8. Salesperson
  9. A realistic negotiator.
  10. A full-time founder

The last few tips are Shark Tank specific, more than the others, but they still demonstrate the commitment and resolve every salesperson must have.

At the end of the day, whether you’re selling your Registrar on making an exception or selling the next big thing to the panel of businessmen and women on Shark Tank, keep these things in mind and you might just walk away with a grin on your face and a few extra grands in your pocket.

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