If you were to look up sales skills you would be met with page after page of “8 Essential skills for the salesperson”, “19 techniques every salesperson should master”, “12 Skills you need to keep your job in sales” and the list goes on. It becomes very clear that many people are looking for the key to the daunting task of convincing someone why your product is the one that they should buy.Numbers-700x450


All of these different guidelines for skills and techniques can boil down into just a few things. In fact, these few things all fall under something as simple as “Attunement”. In context of sales this is the ability to bring ones actions and outlook into harmony with other people. Attunement manifests in actions simply by observing and listening. Being aware of your client and the environment can give many clues on how to best adapt a sales strategy to communicate in the most effective way. All other skills that people make list after list of follows along after this. Once this basic technique is mastered the other effective keys to sales will soon come after.

One thought on “101 Things You Don’t Need To Know”
  1. You make a good point. Sales, while not necessarily intuitive from birth, can be a learned intuition. When you learn to listen to people and understand their pain, you’ll know if you have the product or service to solve that pain, and if not you move on.

    I wonder, however, if some of the lists might be helpful. I can imagine a list of sales techniques that helps someone hone in on attuning to prospective customers.

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