
What is the relationship between Entrepreneurship and Sales?

  • 3 Forces moving more people into sales:
    1. Entrepreneurship — Entrepreneurship is proliferating in the niches. Internet is HUGE in this respect
      1. This is an area I am very passionate about. The internet has exploded in recent years and being able to optimize a page so your business has a presence on the web can make a gigantic impact.
    2. Elasticity — Big companies doing more with less, stretching all into sales roles
      1. As money gets tight for businesses more is asked of the people on staff meaning that sales men and women are multi versatile in their fields.
    3. Ed-Med  — Education + Healthcare, 2 sectors whose main purpose is to move people
      1. My dad is a Chiropractor and the time I have spent working in his office he has to sell what he is doing every single day. This can be encouraging people to come into the office, educating people about Chiropractic is and how it is beneficial, or running promotional things for example he gave away 1,000 shirts with his logo on the shirt to increase awareness.

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