• Always lead with questions

First, you will show humility and that you are not there to force information onto someone. Second, you will get answers that you never would have received without asking questions. You want your counterpart to know you are there for them and to solve their problem. No one wants to be talked at. The conversation needs to be by both people, with you, the sales person, directing the conversation with questions. After all features tell and benefits sell.

  • Change your perception about sales

Everyone believes that salespeople are liars and con artists. Like any job, there are people that lie and trick others, but sales is not based on tricking people into a deal. Sales is about serving others and solving their problems. You will not succeed in sales without helping someone else. To succeed in sales you need to believe in what you are selling and change your perception to help others, not trick them. Sales is a great way for many people to make a difference in other peoples lives. But do not just change your perception on sales, change the people around you and your clients perception on sales by selling the right way.

  • Be obsessed with problem solving

Providing real value to your clients is something that can set you apart from another salesperson. Don’t think about your job as selling but rather problem solving for your customers. Your value is generated by helping solve someone’s problem and getting them what they want/need. You do not want to be thought of as a salesperson, but rather a problem solver. If you obsess over solving problems and helping others you will not be able to force information onto other. By using this third tip, it forces you to ask questions and seek out your client’s pain.

One thought on “3 Tips On Becoming A Better Salesperson”
  1. I think your third point is the most interesting to me. It gives a different mindset of how you would approach the sale. I think to many salespeople think that what they are selling is exactly what that person needs. In reality it’s okay to tell that customer that what your’e selling wont meet their needs.

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