These are 5 great tips and tricks to up your selling game. These are some tips that may sound a bit silly but will actually help you. Two of my favorites are the ones that have to do with power poses and ending on a high note.

I will be honest doing a power pose might sound a little but silly but in the end it actually helps. Doing a power poses help to boost your confidence. When you have more confidence you will do better in whatever you are selling. When you have confidence in your voice it also gives your buyer more confidence in you.

It is always best to end with positivity because you do not want the person to think back to the interaction and have a bad taste in their mouth. Ending your post and discussion on a high note also has your buyer have a positive association with you letting them be more influenced to believe you and purchase from you.

By implementing the 5 tips from the video to your selling tool box it will let you have a leg up in the sales world and make you stand out in a good way.


One thought on “5 Selling Tips”
  1. The brain is a funny thing, it really will do things like boost your confidence when doing a power pose or even just smiling at yourself in the mirror. When selling confidently, it is more likely to close a sale. Trying to end on a high note is hard, but if you are confident, then it will be easier to do so.

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