Common Sense

I was interested in the possibility of discover new sales techniques, so what did I do? I typed “New Selling Techniques” into Google.  I clicked on the 4th result down and got an article about 7 new sales methods.  What I discovered is that these “new” sales methods were really just reiterations of some basic common sense.  Although when I think about it, sometimes methodologies are so basic that we tend to overlook them.  I would say that this is the case with these 7 new sales techniques.

As I read through the article, a key factor stood out to me: Avoiding being seen, or thought of, as a high pressure salesman is a must if you want to close sales.  I thought the first method pretty basic, but very true.  Stop giving a sales pitch and start being conversational.  People don’t want to be sold to (i’ll probably say this again several times). However, if you can have a conversation with your prospect about their problems and how your solution might be a possible fit, you’re a lot more likely to close the deal.  The second method deals with the same issue.  Stop trying to close the sale, instead let their analysis of the problem and the solution offered give the prospect the initiative to take the conversation where it needs to go.  All too often salesmen / saleswomen jump the gun and this adds pressure back into the process.

Now i’m not going to go through all 7 methods, because as I stated they tend to deal with the same issue, which is often a pervasive element in the sales process; high pressure selling.  I will however highlight a few more methods that I believe to be critical.  Method 4 has to do with hidden sales pressure and your own agenda which often equates to rejection.  The process needs to focus on the prospect not your sales agenda.  When you do this you won’t feel rejected and you will close more sales.  The potential customer will feel more like you are interested in helping them come to a viable solution, rather than that you are interested in merely making a sale.

Also I believe that method 6 is critical to a successful sales process.  Don’t try desperately to overcome objections, but instead validate them and try and reopen the conversation.  A lot of sales training programs talk about overcoming objections but when you try to do this your adding our old friend “pressure” back into the equation.  Instead listen to their logic and validate it with appropriate conversation and try to redirect the conversation to an adequate solution, sometimes this means no sale, but they may reconsider when they realize your not selling them.  No one likes to be sold to, this is the take away here.  If you are interested in reading the article the link can be found here > 7 New Sales Methods.  Thanks for reading.


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