“Hey man, love the car. What do you do for living?”

I am sure most of us have seen this tik-toker asking people in luxury cars about their profession. Some were honest, yet some straight up said they do drugs. But most car owners have a decent job like owning a company, software developer, doctor, finance, or married a rich guy. And it got me into thinking about how can I end in “the back of a limo, wearing a 2000 dollar suit, and a 40000 dollar gold watch” (Wolf of Wall Street speech see link below). 

Do I just go out there and start selling myself with or without a college degree and a little programming skill? If I do that, I could very much end like the the girl in the AGT audition clip we watched in class. She sure had a lot of confidence in herself but according to herself, all of the confidence was established based on “I have been told by my friends/family/random people that I have a good voice.” Is it really confidence though when it is based upon other’s comments? Probably not. But is it really smart if you ignore all the comments? Probably not. So where is the middle ground? The middle ground is within the person. Having discernments on both your own ability and other’s fake compliment is crucial to one’s success.

At last, I must address that it was hilarious, but between Jordan Belfort and the AGT girl, I’d choose to be the former every single time. 





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