Just like every profession, sales is evolving. One way that a salesperson can really step up their game is by implementing social media into their sales process. In this post, I will go through the ways that social media can be used in sales and give examples from my experience in Ecommerce class last semester. The first thing that social media is really good for is keying in on your target audience. Once you have decided who that is going to be, you should choose what platform suits that audience best. In Ecommerce, my team did this pretty well. We identified our audience and decided that we were going to focus on efforts on Instagram. We still had some other pages, but they were not nearly as popular as our Instagram. After we keyed in on what platform will give us the most exposure, we created a plan for what content we were going to post and when we were going to do it. This was very helpful in growing our following and consistently creating user engagement. Having a content plan is something that I would encourage every salesperson to have if they are using social media. Something that is very important is making sure you are engaging your users. We met with Prof. Lewis, and he gave us some great advice on how to get our followers involved on our posts and not just scrolling past them. We started to ask a question in the caption of each post in hopes of getting our followers to comment something. Another really great way that we got our users involved was posting interactive things on our Instagram story. We would put a poll or ask for people to give us suggestions on new designs or even putting a slide up that was advertising a sale that was going on. In the new age of sales, social media is becoming more and more prevalent, but a lot of people don’t know how to use it in an impactful way. It is my hope that this post was able to lay a good groundwork for someone to get started on social media.

3 thoughts on “How does social media fall into the world of sales?”
  1. Hey Cayden great post! In today’s digital world, social media plays a part in almost everything. I agree social media plays so many important roles in sales, especially in understanding what exactly the customers want and tailoring your resources to fill those needs. Good work!

  2. Hey Cayden, this is a very informative post. Social media plays a huge role in nearly everything in society nowadays, and that is especially true in sales. Using social media to advertise your product is beneficial for sales today.

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