Top 5 Best:

  1. Rule #6 – Defuse “Buyer’s Remorse” by always giving customers a chance to back out before the deal goes ahead.
  2. Rule #13 – Don’t be a mind reader.
  3. Rule #3 – “Happy Ears” – Don’t merely hear what you want to hear. Find out for certain what they are thinking.
  4. Rule #10 – Develop awareness. Prospect anyone you interact with and they may turn out to be interested.
  5. Rule #35 – Never do what your competition is already doing. Come up with a unique gameplan.

Top 5 Worst:

  1. Rule #20 – Never forget the bottom line is to make a sale and go to the bank.
  2. Rule #21 – Sell today, and worry about “educating” the prospect at some future time.
  3. Rule #32 – Get into the habit of procuring an I.O.U. for everything you do.
  4. Rule #37 – Expect your prospects to lie all the time – that’s what they will do.
  5. Rule #42 – Winners always have alternatives whereas losers tend to put all their eggs in one basket.
3 thoughts on “Top 5 best and worst Sandler Rules for romantic relationships”
  1. Since we have compared sales to relationships so many times over the semester, I suspected many of the rules we learned to apply. But that worst list- you are right. Probably best to avoid those!

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