A few months ago I started shopping for an apartment in Grove City. One thing I noticed, when talking to potential landlords and landladies, is that although they are trying to sell you a place to live, you are also trying to sell yourself as the person to live there. If the landperson does not think that you will be a good steward of their property, they will likely not sell to you, even though they want to make a sale.

Rule #31 is particularly useful in these situations – Always be ready to “close the file” if you don’t have a good fit.

5 thoughts on “Selling to someone who’s selling to you”
  1. I think this is the best example of rule #31. Renting anything requires some form of proving yourself. whether it’s a drivers license/record to rend a vehicle or a job to prove you can pay for a house.

  2. This is also a great opportunity for non-sales selling. You get the chance to sell yourself just the same as they have the chance to sell the apartment.

  3. i think this happens in many aspects of life, there is a dynamic of two-way selling. you have to sell yourself while the other person is selling you something, just like an apartment. it may not always be the same dynamic but something like it will always be there.

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