One of the most important tasks that salespeople must do frequently is prospecting. Prospecting is when you reach out to potential customers and learn more about them. By doing this you are able to decide if a potential customer is the right fit for your product. Most prospecting is done through cold-calling, when you call someone that you have had no prior

sending sales emailscommunication with. Prospecting is even done in person. However, we do not tend to hear much about prospecting through email, but it is an ever growing part of prospecting for many businesses. Learning how to send killer sales emails to prospects can mean the difference between nailing down a sale and getting completely ignored. I stumbled upon an excellent article this week detailing the best ways to send sales 
emails that impress
. If you want to learn the secrets, just keep reading my article summary.

The Subject Line

It is not shocking to think that most people check their email on their phone or with some fancy email software. Pair that with the fact that they probably receive hundreds of emails per day. This means that a catchy, yet focused subject line is critical in getting your email read. Many people put too much effort into the body of the email, however, the body will never get read if your subject line is mediocre.

Be Conversational

So you got the prospect to actually read your email, look at you! The next important step is to write your emails in a conversational tone. You may be thinking that the best approach is to be extremely formal and business-like. But, writing casually will ease the mind of your prospect and come off as friendly.


Do your research about your prospect before writing the sales email. Make sure that you address them by their name. Then, by knowing some key facts about them, you will be able to properly allude to their pain. Who does not like a personalized message, anyway? This also helps avoid having your sales email look like some template that you send to everyone, which tends to be a turnoff to prospects.


Remember how I said that your prospects are probably receiving hundreds of emails per day? If they have decided to read your email, you want to ensure that they make it to the end. Thus, the best sales emails are ones that are short. They probably do not have endless time on their hands to read a novel.

End With a Question

Ask a question at the end of every email so that you give your prospect a reason to engage. Hopefully further conversations will follow.

I hope that these quick sales email tips have made you feel more confident about contacting prospects and take some of the fear out of prospecting.

amanda vitale signature

5 thoughts on “Sales Emails That Impress”
  1. I really enjoyed reading your post. Not only did I learn new things, but I also totally could understand where you were coming from and how this is becoming more of a regular thing coming to our inboxes. On top of that, I also am a sucker for an email that entails “items we think you’ll love” or subject lines like this that are personalized to me based off things in my cart or things I have previously purchased. I liked the aspect of the post about brevity, I think this is huge as a lengthy email may be lucky enough to get skimmed prior to it getting deleted. All in all thank you for this post, I got a lot out of it.

  2. I have never thought about using email as a technique to gather new prospects, But i really enjoyed this post. I can definitely see myself using this technique in the near future.

    1. I really liked this article. I agree with the above comment, using email to contact new customers never crossed my mind! Thanks for giving me a new tool!

  3. I’m glad that you mentioned personalizing. I get emails from people all the time wanting one thing or another, but you can usually tell its some kind of template. This makes me, at best, uninterested, and at worst, afraid its a scam. Now, doing these kind of emails personalized in bulk is nigh impossible, so I was wondering if you had read about any suggestions on how to do these types of sales emails while retaining personalization.

  4. This is some great information. I am utilizing a mailing function for my startup, and found this blog to be beneficial in research of how to sell my brand well through email.

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