Its easy to peg an outgoing person as an extrovert and a more isolated person as an introvert. However according to Swiss psychoanalyst Cal Jung, theres is a 3rd personality type known as The AmbivertsAmbiverts make more productive sales than extroverts or introverts because they naturally engage in a healthy blend of talking and listening. They can be assertive and persuasive when they need to be (which helps them close a sale), but also are more inclined to listen to the customers interests (which helps foster and build healthy relationships between the two). 

The “Ambivert Advantage” ( a term we talked about in class too) simply put, is that ambiverts have balance between introvert and extrovert qualities. This makes them flexible, in stead of expecting others to confirm to their pattern, they’re more open to listening to both sides but still assertive enough to push for their point without making it uncomfortable. Unlike extroverts (who aren’t easily affected by outside factors) or introverts (who’re a little too sensitive); Ambiverts stand at the healthy “normal.” 

For us as sales people, having this Advantage (or working to have it) will be beneficial as it is statistically proven that Ambiverts make more sales and connect with more customers than extroverts or introverts do.

2 thoughts on “Ambiverts and the Ambivert Advantage”
  1. I love the concept of the amivert advantage! Even though you can’t necessarily change your personality, being mindful of what your natural weaknesses might be as a salesperson can definitively help you with selling more effectively.

  2. I’m so glad that ambiversion is beginning to get the recognition it deserves. There was this weird pressure as a kid to categorize yourself one way or the other, and usually if you didn’t consider yourself an extrovert then that meant you weren’t a social person. To be ‘average’ on the intro/extroversion scale is one of the times it should be counted a blessing to be average, since you can utilize the strengths of both sides.

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