I was really thinking of a topic to blog about this week and I thought why not keep it local? Shark Tank is a great experience to both witness from the audience and from the podium. This is my second year of making the Shark Tank Finals and am super blessed again to be able to experience both perspectives. I got to experience selling myself and crafting my case for my idea, while seeing others do the same and compete directly against me.

This is a really solid competition that allows you to make more of a personal pitch to both the faculty and students on what you would like to see changed or added to your own campus community for yourselves and others.

Many people in sales in the startup did make the final, which is really exciting. The ideas will be heavily competed and scrutinized against each other. Anytime you get the opportunity for a chance like that – you should take it. You get a chance at recognition, money, improving your community, and networking. Some of the best times of my life is when I competed all out against friends.

One of the biggest things I took away from last year was forcing myself to accept failure. Truthfully, I thought I had the best idea hands down. There wasn’t a second or third place in my eyes. I didn’t place. So accepting that was really tough for me. I tend to take everything very personally and I struggle with failure. I tend to try to be a perfectionist when it comes to that stuff.

It was the first big venue I made at Grove City when it came to the competitions and really being able to sell yourself and the idea you had. It’s true, no one in history has ever run the tables and has been able to close 100% of their pitches. Realizing your not anything special and that things are extremely subjective was an eye opening experience. People don’t always see everything the same way as you, and that’s okay. Your value and worth on something is naturally different from another person’s.

2 thoughts on “Why You Should Attend Shark Tank!”
  1. I like how you kept the topic relevant. I totally agree! Shark Tank is a great event and is also a wonderful opportunity to gain support and received feedback on your idea. I’m excited to see who wins the competition. Best of luck.

  2. I love watching the real show on TV. I entered into the Grove City contest bu didn’t get to advance. I hope I can make it to the event to watch a couple of the pitches.

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