One of the important lessons we’ve learned over the semester is how to interact with our potential sales clients. One thing that is important to remember is how disagreeing with the client is never a good way to try to win them over. Of course we want our potential clients to see the good in our companies and chose us, however when they may have a concern or see things in a different way to how we may: it is important to remember not to disagree. When we immediately make it into a disagreement and try to show them why they are wrong, we immediately alienate them as an argument would only drain them of their time and energy (in a pointless way) – so the easiest thing for them to do is to let go. In starting a disagreement we are thus giving them a reason to not even consider us.

How then do we respond when the customer ( or potential ) has a concern or a disagreement. The best way is to address it like a conversation. Harry Gordon Selfridge’s quote “The Customer is Always Right” still holds true. However if they have an issue; the best way for us to respond is by making them feel relaxed, avoid making them nervous by being confrontational and disagreeing but at the same time showing them how their concerns are unwarranted. Just like how in a pitch competition we wouldn’t respond to a judges concern by telling them that they are wrong, we should give our sales clients and customers the same respect and courtesy.

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