My personal career path is leading me on the road to non-profits. While not typically seen as dealing in sales, non-sales selling is the heart of the non-profit world – and for-profit enterprises would do well to look at non-profits and see how to apply a spirit of service to their work. Non-profits are about more than the exchange of money through donations, they’re about what happens afterwards and the progress they can show investors and those who have donated.

Dedicated non-profit builders completely empty themselves in an effort to bring healing to a suffering place or people, and usually that is born of a pain that the founder felt or saw themselves. I appreciate when non-profits are deeply personal, because it tells a story that you can immerse yourself into and become involved with through donations or your own voluntary service. Ryan Keith, the founder of Forgotten Voices, is a wonderful example of someone who saw a need that became deeply personal, and he pursued a way to fix it. His non-profit has helped hundreds of orphans in Africa, and every day they are working to expand their network across the continent to reach more and more children.

Non-profits at their best epitomize serving others through business, and a great non-profit will get you excited about serving alongside them to fix the need they are addressing. They build trust with communities, bring hope to broken places, and lead by example – which is why I can’t wait to join the ranks of these servant leaders.

One thought on “Serving Through Business”
  1. “Join the ranks of these servant leaders.” What a beautiful way to describe your entrepreneurial spirit and where God is leading you. Non-sales selling is so vital for the NGO space, and I can see you thriving well after college in pursuing this dream.

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