For the last two or three years my grandfather has been looking into buying a new truck. He is a person who loves looking, but never actually does much buying. This is mostly because he is a very slow decision maker. In any event, I recently went with my grandfather to look at some trucks at a few dealerships near his home. After pulling into the Ford car lot and looking around for a little while, a salesman approached us. My grandfather and the salesman quickly realized that they had talked to each other before, and they began to chat. After a bit of a lengthy conversation my grandfather told the salesman what exactly he was interested in and wrote down his name and number for the salesman, in case he could find anything my grandfather liked.

A day or two later my grandfather got a call from the same salesman about a truck he had found that was just what my grandfather wanted. After going back to the dealership two more times my grandfather finally, after three years of looking and thinking, decided to buy thisImage result for 2017 ford f150 maroon truck.

On me and my grandfather’s first visit to the Ford dealership it intrigued me how the salesman was willing to listen to and get to know my grandfather, rather than just trying to convince him to buy a certain truck that they had on the lot. The salesman showed genuine interest not only in what my grandfather wanted in his new truck, but he also showed just as much interest when my grandfather went off on tangents about how the town of New Castle is going to ruins. Because of this particular salesman’s true willingness to get to know the customer, my grandfather trusted his judgement enough to finally buy a truck from him. So, in conclusion, when trying to be successful in selling it is very important to be attentive to your customers and truly get to know them if you have the chance. When salesman are willing to listen to you, and what you are looking for, there is a much greater chance that you will trust them and, in turn, buy from them.

One thought on “My Grandfather’s New Truck”
  1. Awesome story! I like how you listed trust as the main reason your grandfather purchased from this salesperson. I think it is very important for a salesperson to earn the trust of the customer.

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