Jewelry companies are one of the many things I think of when talking about salespeople. In a jewelry store, some sales reps are worse than the average car salesman. I recently had a friend visit a few stores like this. She would tell the customer service representative what she liked and how much she could spend and yet the woman would bring out jewelry that was very similar to the previous pieces and even higher on pricing. As you can probably guess, she didn’t make a purchase and left very quickly. She even said that the representatives waited on other customers first who were in suits and dresses while she was in jeans and a T-shirt. I would have left too. Wouldn’t you?

Image result for kimpels jewelers

There is a huge difference between Kimpel’s and other jewelry stores, and that is their sales model.

The Customer Is Family

Now of course I chose this store to write about because the owner is my Aunt Lisa. But she treats everyone like family. That means being honest and transparent about price and quality which few stores are. Because they are located in a small town, she knows everyone who walks in.

Value Is The Sales Point

Lisa always tries to provide the best value for her customers because that is what makes the sale over competition. Kimpel’s has many features that other stores do not.

  • no pressure sales representatives
  • everyday low prices (they don’t mark up their prices as much as other stores)
  • antique jewelry
  • a special computer program in store to specially design jewelry

Image may contain: flower

This is of course the place where my husband designed my engagement ring. We also bought the necklace and earrings I wore at the wedding and the wedding bands here. Kimpel’s provides no pressure sales experience with a wide variety of products. Lisa also rents tuxedo’s and shoes in the store so that wedding parties only have to stop in one place!

It is so easy to feel at home with this sales model, even if you aren’t family!

One thought on “Kimpel’s Jewelers: A Good Sales Model”
  1. Interesting post! I think that it’s very important for companies to differentiate and drive value in any way they can. Interesting to see Kimpel’s Jeweler’s doing that through their sales approach.

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