I am a golfer on the Men’s GCC golf team, and have played since I was young. With that being said, a process I have had to go through multiple times was the process of getting fitted for clubs. When getting fitted for clubs throughout my life, it is important to have someone selling you equipment that knows a lot of information about every product imaginable in the golf industry. Not only do they need to know a lot about the equipment they will be trying to sell you, but they need to find out information about what your likes and dislikes are, and facts about your golf swing. For a clubfitter/salesman, they will ask what type of club design fits your eye, figure out your swing speed, etc. Along with that they will figure out tendencies about your golf swing so that you can get the golf club to match you perfectly.

Whether you have to adjust the lie angle of the club because of your height or picking a certain type of shaft that will help you control the ball flight that you desire, the person selling you the equipment has to be with you and talk you through the entire process. When you are making such a big purchase, you want everything to be exactly how you want it. The saleman has to be engaged and personable throughout the process.

A big turnoff in this type of industry can be the fitter/salesman not listening to your input. A lot of times, the salesman do so much to understand the product that they forget they have to fit that product to a player. Not everyone’s swing is the same, and not everybody likes the same things. Sometimes a salesman will just throw the most expensive and most sold product in your face and tell you this is what you need without listening.

Overall, this process is very interesting to me and the person selling the equipment is a huge factor. While it is not always pleasant, if you are an avid golfer who wants to get better, I would highly suggest going through the process.

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