Coffee… what a personal and controversial topic, huh? Everyone has their own personal opinion
on which coffee shop is best, whether a dark or light roast is better, espresso versus brewed coffee, etc. Have you ever stopped to consider though that the way you want your coffee sale to go might determine where you go to get your coffee? For instance, if you simply need to get some caffeine in your system as fast as possible, you are probably not going to go to Starbucks and sit down and enjoy an expensive espresso drink in a nice mug. Instead, you are probably going to hit the drive through of Dunkin Donuts and get a giant brewed coffee. I know that’s what I would do!

If I wanted to have a social experience as I am getting my coffee, I am probably going to a coffee shop that has a nice ambience and friendly baristas or people that I know. I want to be able to enjoy sitting down with other coffee drinkers around me and take in the view. The enjoyment of my drink will be enhanced by other coffee drinkers and the friendly hum of the espresso machines in the background.

However, if I just want to get in and out with minimal eye contact and low fuss, I probably would not go to a coffee shop like that. I’m going to want to order my coffee, wait for it, and leave. If I’m really not feeling it, I will probably just hit the drive though and get on the road.

Being inspired by the coffee shop that I am currently at, I had never really realized before now how the choices I make are influenced by the sales experience I want. If you think about it, the whole difference between fast food restaurants and sit down restaurants is the sales experience, not the food. Sure the food is made to work well for a faster service time but any restaurant can make a burger and fries. I know that personally, I most definitely make food and drink choices depending on my food and the type of sales experience that I want. Do you do the same? Just something to think about. Happy Saturday!


3 thoughts on “Coffee: When It Comes to How it Comes”
  1. When I worked in New Wilmington Pa which is just 20 minutes from Grove City, I realized that I loved having a coffee in my hand as I was doing other things. I think it made me look like I was busy/successful and didn’t have time to sit down and enjoy a good cuppa. I always enjoyed going into the local coffee shop, Mugsies, and talking with the locals, learning more about a friend, and drinking their ‘not the best I’ve ever had” coffee. Would still recommend the shop because of the atmosphere.

  2. I think that many people pay more for the experience than the actual coffee itself. Most of the time it is a conversation center piece and doesn’t actually keep me awake.

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