By Leona Bently

Picture this:  you’re in need of some new running shoes since you’ve completely worn out your favorite pair. You know exactly what you’re looking for: a sweet new pair of Nike Air Zoom Vomero 12’s in a size 8. You’ve ventured out to the best shoe store in your area and are combing through the aisles, looking for your treasure. But all of the sudden an oily, smelly salesman pops out of nowhere! He smiles a greasy smile and tries to elbow you into the dress shoe section. How do you feel about this situation? “It stinks.”

Fortunately, you’re a more savvy salesperson than this shrewd salesman you’ve just encountered. But what are some new things you can do to “freshen up” more? These four tips are some great ways to help you give your customers a breath of fresh air.

Image result for dirty businessmanImage result for arrow iconRelated image

1. Speak With Your Face:

I’m amazed at the number of times I run across salespeople who truly don’t believe what they’re saying. It is easy to spot in the person’s face and body language that they don’t genuinely enjoy their product or business. They take on many different forms of non-verbals, ranging from non-expressive smiles with tight lips to eyes that lack any sense of direction.

When we’re selling to a customer, whether in person or on the phone, we have to be sure our entire face reflects our enthusiasm and excitement. Why would we expect a person to buy from us if we’re not connected to and excited about what we’re selling?

2. Customer’s Goals:

Do you know what goals your customers have? Imagine how much more effective you could be if you knew the goals of the person to whom you are selling. Ask questions about what they’re looking for and listen to their answers. If applicable, let them know that you have set goals for yourself. Explain your belief that it is essential for you to help your customers achieve their goals in order for you to achieve your own.

3. Agree on Something:

Never end a sales call without having agreed with your customer on something, even if it’s not the close of a sale. The objective of coming to an agreement, no matter how small it might be, is to demonstrate to the customer that you’re able to move the sale forward.

If possible, gain agreement on one particular aspect of the sale and use this as a building block for the next time you meet. However, if you can’t see eye to eye on a particular aspect, you may at least be able to concur on the items you intend to follow up on or a time to get together again. The important thing is that you agree on something and use whatever it is as a “next step” toward a future sales call.

4. Have you Learned Something New? :

There is always something new you can learn about your customers, whether they are newly acquired or long-term accounts. Use each sales call as an opportunity to be teachable. It’s amazing how customers change! Unless you keep up-to-date knowledge about them, you will soon find they’ve changed and you haven’t. After each sales call, ask yourself what you learned about the customer and, of course, make sure you record it in your customer profile.

As you go about your day, try to incorporate these tips to your sales approach, never forgetting that the sales professionals who excel the most are those who never stop learning the best ways to excel. Happy selling!

By LeonaB

One thought on “Freshen Up: 4 Ways to Make Your Selling “Scent” Sweeter”
  1. This is a great list, thanks for sharing! I love the humor 🙂 It seems as though the underlying theme is to be genuine with your customer and honestly try to get to know them better. Like Coach D said, it’s all about trust!

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