Image result for amazon interesting finds

One of my favorite features on Amazon is the “Interesting Finds” feature. Basically, this feature showcases different unique and quirky objects in a Pinterest-like fashion. You have the option to “heart” certain finds that you like and the page develops a personalized shopping experience for you based off of your likes. I believe this feature is genius. When most consumers go to the mall, they typically tell salespeople that they are “just looking around.” Amazon took that sentiment and created an experience for people to look at products that were offered exclusively for them. I think that this function could be utilized for all e-commerce. Not only does this design encourage sales, it also builds a relationship with your client. I get very excited when I’m offered personal experiences through Amazon’s “Interesting Finds”, Pinterest’s “Daily Roundup”, and Spotify’s “Daily Mix.” Although this is primarily used for online platforms, the big picture behind this phenomenon should be utilized with face-to-face selling. As a salesperson, you should get to know your customer, discover what captures their interest, and then market products and services you think would make a direct connection with them.

3 thoughts on “Personalized Web Sales”
  1. This is such a cool feature on Amazon that I also appreciate! Anytime something is customized for the individual, enjoyment or even a sale is more likely. You make a great point about doing this in-person as well as online. Listening to the customer’s needs and pains will result in salespeople being able to customize solutions. Thanks for sharing!

  2. As a salesman, practicing this will not only strengthen the trust between the customer and salesman, but also build the customer’s loyalty to the salesman.

  3. I didn’t even know about this feature on Amazon, so thank you for posting about it! That is super convenient. I always find myself shopping around the mall “just browsing” but not really being able to do that on the internet! I love that Amazon is tuning into this need and meeting it in an easy and exciting way! I’ll have to check that feature out!

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