Who would win in a sales showdown: an extrovert or an introvert? You may be inclined to claim that an extrovert would be a better salesperson. After all, they are better at talking to and relating to other people. However, extroverts can often be too friendly or too outgoing. This can cause a sales prospect to become uncomfortable, thus hindering the selling process. Furthermore, extroverts can sometimes talk a lot and listen too little. Listening to the buyer is an extremely important part of the selling process, so this extroverted tendency can be troublesome. On the flip side, introverts will often avoid conversation. Sales is a conversational process, which would not lend well to someone that is afraid of conversation. Additionally, introverts have a hard time thinking on their feet in a social situation, which is sometimes vital in closing a sale. So, if both of these presumptions are false, what kind of personality is actually best in a selling scenario? The answer: ambiverts. Ambiverts are people that fall between introversion and extroversion. Ambiverts have qualities of both extroverts and introverts, which is why they are often the best salespeople. They can facilitate a conversation while also being good listeners. They know when to engage in a conversation and when to pass. This combination allows them to engage in a sales interaction but not be over-bearing.

If you are an introvert or an extrovert, do not be discouraged. A person retaining either of these personality tendencies can be a good sales person. Ambiverts are just naturally “sales-gifted.” With practice, anyone can become a successful salesperson. If you do not know if you are introverted, extroverted, or somewhere in between follow this link to a test that will tell you where you fall. Hopefully, this changed your mind on the misconception that extroverts are the best salespeople.

2 thoughts on “I’m In the Middle”
  1. I used to think that the term ambivert was a bit of a copout- mostly for people who don’t want to be boxed into one stereotype, but I also see that it has to do with how flexible people are. I think it really comes down to self-awareness. I’m in the middle too!

  2. I found the concept of ambivert so interesting. I always knew I wasn’t exactly an extrovert nor really an introvert because I have different qualities that fall under both of the categories! It is really cool to see the studies that have been done explaining that there is an in-between that is actually a pretty great place to be.

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