One fundamental part of selling is to never answer unasked questions. So, what makes this idea so important? A large reason why this is so important is because if we, as a seller, bring up something that wasn’t even asked about we could cause doubt in a potential buyer’s mind. A potential buyer may think “Why didn’t he bring this up before?”, or “Could this end up being a potential problem in the end?”. Furthermore, by bringing up unasked questions a prospect may become so uneasy that they may end up saying they are completely uninterested in your product or service all together.Image result for cartoon salesman

The reason why answering unasked questions becomes a problem is because many people begin to talk when they feel like they are in an awkward situation. Most people don’t enjoy sitting in silence, but in some cases sitting in a quite room and keeping your mouth shut is the best move. Don’t let a little feeling of awkwardness make you blurt out something that could potentially ruin a deal you may have just made. Be sure to always stay on task listening to your prospects problems and then figuring out how your product or business can solve those problems.

3 thoughts on “Don’t Let an Awkward Situation Get the Best of You”
  1. When I read this and went over the scenario written in the book I was a bit confused at first. I thought that it’s best to be honest about everything, not saying that this rule means to lie, but it does mean not to say anything at all. When I read into it further and gathered more context, it started to make sense. Thinking about this, I tend to so it a lot. It is now something to keep a close eye on.

  2. I can think of scenarios in my head where I have answered unasked questions or had someone else answer my unasked questions. Most of the time, I agree that it places doubt in one’s head. I have appreciated before, however, when someone can anticipate my train of thought and keep up with where my head is going.

  3. I think you bring up an interesting point, in that silence makes people nervous. In order to alleviate their nerves, they will verbalize the first thing things that come to mind, which usually sounds worse than silence.

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