The Sales Funnel: Interest

At this point, the prospect has reached the second stage of the sales funnel. In order to keep his or her interest you must engage them with quality content. This could be a one of a vast many things, however, we will cover a couple techniques that have proven great success right here


Did you know that B2C companies that blog generate 88% more leads per month than those that do not? The results of this technique speak for them self, so keep your prospective customers engaged by delivering a weekly or even bi-weekly blog. Remember, quality over quantity.


46% of viewers act after watching a video made for advertising purposes. People on average are far more likely to give their attention to videos rather than images or written articles. Why is this? Because videos are more engaging. Just remember to put emphasis into telling your company story, pick an emotion and run with it(make them laugh or cry) and keep it short; between 15 and 30 seconds.


One thought on “How to Take Advantage of The Sales Funnel(Interest)”
  1. These are really great insights on keeping engaged with your customer. I did not realize that blogging was so effective in B2C interactions! Also, I can speak to videos–I was looking into a potential sales job at a company and watched some of their videos about working for their company. It seemed to fit me and be somewhere that I would like to work so much so that I ended up applying for the job! Well done videos can be the tipping point for potential customers!

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