Etsy is an amazing platform for sellers across the world. On the site you can find anything., handmade goods, vintage home decor, high price items and cheap little knickknacks. When the internet came out many people thought that the number of salesmen would decrease but sites like Etsy proved that wrong. People from all around the world, with varying financial backgrounds can be apart of this movement. You don’t need to worry about paying for a site and broad business fees because the site takes care of many needs for their sellers.

In the last few years though Etsy has changed its stance on strictly homemade goods. The new policy allows sellers to have outside manufactures to create the good and then be resold on the site. Some consumers have noticed and are up in arms about it and others still think that the quality of Etsy is still intact.  Reading articles about this famous platform changing is is obvious that it now mirrors another E-commerce platform. E-bay. This world needs one less E-Bay and needs the old Etsy back. Homemade, from the heart, made with talent and skill Etsy, not this mass production. Although mass production can help the buyers and sellers, it takes away from the original idea and customers in return are turning away. Yes, sellers and buyers can now worry less about stock outs but at what cost?

4 thoughts on “How Etsy Changed the Game”
  1. Interesting thoughts, Katie! I don’t actually buy much on Etsy but I window shop there pretty frequently and I have noticed some changes, which I guess are from the policy revisements. I definitely agree with on that Etsy should go back to its old ways. I have always thought of it as a place to find unique, handmade, personalized, albeit expensive, items and I would still like to think of it that way. Thanks for sharing!

  2. This is super interesting because I didn’t know their changes in policies. I think that the reason that made Etsy so unique was that it was homemade, personalized goods that you could only get there. I would have to agree with you. We don’t need two Ebay sites.

  3. A change like this could really hurt the sales environment that etsy provides. Without that unique niche of hand made goods, etsy has little differentiate itself from other sites. I wouldn’t be surprised if a new site arose that focused on homemade trinkets, provided etsy doesn’t return and refocus on what made their sellers unique.

  4. Etsy works great and has really opened up the e-commerce world for anyone to be a part of. It can also be used in the business world to get an online buying platform for any small business started easily. Thanks for sharing this insight.

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