Sales is all about building relationships that are meaningful to a prospect. Through building relationships with the customer, a sales person is able to generate sales that are consistent and reliable. A lot of the traits that sales people use to build these relationships are the same ones that we use every day through the interactions we have with the people we see everyday. Some of these include being genuine, selfless, and being a good listener.

To be genuine means that the salesperson must actually care about what is best for the customer, and must display that in a manner that is authentic. It is similar to relationships that everyone builds in that in order to build a lasting relationship, a sense of genuine care must be had. If a sales person can translate that into his or her work, trust will be built between the sales person and the customer, which will ultimately result in security with the customer.

Being selfless is something that a sales person especially must master in order to generate sales. Having a total interest in the customer’s best interest makes the customer feel less intimidated by the sales person. Through that fact, the customer will have less to fear in the sales process, making them more willing to spend time with the sales person, finding the best fit for them.

Being a good listener ties into being selfless in not only the sales process, but also in everyday relationships and interactions. Being a good listener shows that you truly care about the person you are talking to. In the sales process, it shows that the sales person truly cares about the prospect, and is willing to take their time in finding what the prospect truly wants or needs. It is a perfect way that a sales person can appear more relatable for the prospect. In that fact, the prospect will find it easier to talk to the sales person. Everybody loves to talk about themselves, and if a sales person allows for that to happen for a prospect, there will be a higher return.

Using these tactics are helpful in not only the sales process, but also in everyday interactions that everyone has. Through being genuine, selfless, and a good listener, relationships can be built for the sales person that yield the best results: the customer and the sales person being content.

3 thoughts on “Three Tips for Sales Relationship Building”
  1. These are some great tactics to implement in the sales process! I definitely think that being selfless is one of the hardest things to become, but when you truly act selflessly when selling, I think it could benefit you greatly.

  2. If you ask someone what characteristics a salesperson has, “selfish” is not the first thing that usually comes to mind, but I do think that your thoughts highlight that it is an underlying assumption on top of all the other bad associations other people have. I agree with you that these three tips are essential to turn around our stereotype.

  3. Nick, something tells me that you’re a relationship builder type salesman. Just a hunch. Anyway, well said on these traits. Did you just learn these as of this class? I did, and it was a foundation shaker.

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