With the rise of the digital age, everyday more and more people are going to the internet to purchase their everyday goods. Almost everything can be bought online today and that means that the need for traditional sales people in traditional sales jobs is diminishing. With that being said, what is the solution for this problem? The internet is now seemingly essential to everyday life for everyone, and the incorporation of digital aspects of everyday life is only increasing. However jobs in sales is still one of the most dominant professions in the world today. Why is this?

The reason is that people are still looking for human interaction in the sales process. People find the internet as something of convenience for the sales process. Buying things online is prominent today because it is the easiest way to purchase goods. However, when the customer doesn’t know exactly what it is that they want, the internet looses its convenience. When a customer does not know what they want, they find it much more convenient to talk to someone that can help them discover their need. That is where the sales person has the upper hand. Sale people must be educated in the field they are selling, and through hearing the customer out on what they need, the sales person can guide them into making that discovery. This is why sales jobs are still a huge part of the working world today. Sales people are essential to the business world today, and it will continue to stay that way. The internet may be the most advanced and incorporated piece of technology today, however it will never match the significance of a genuine human interaction. That is what sales people can provide, is why internet sales can never be as advanced and effective as face-to-face selling.

3 thoughts on “Are Salespeople Going Extinct?”
  1. Although I utilize the Internet quite often to buy things, I definitely agree that nothing quite matches the genuine human interaction that can take place face-to-face. Thanks for sharing!

  2. I definitely agree with you that salespeople are still very much needed today, but maybe we need to revisit our definition of someone that works in sales. I appreciate your thoughts!

  3. Really interesting thoughts. I know personally, I tend to lean towards just being unsocial and taking full advantage of all that online shopping has to offer. Recently though, I had had several issues with online orders and yikes, it really is so necessary to have human interaction when it comes to fixing the problem. I think I would have been lost without the chat boxes offered where I could speak personally with a customer service agent. Trying to figure out my problem without being able to talk to someone who could understand would have been an absolute nightmare. I totally agree with you! Thanks for sharing!

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