If you’re like me, you get pretty annoyed when you get pestered by salespeople who come up to you, engage in awkward conversation with you, and give you unnecessary compliments. To me, it almost always feels scripted and fake, and I get uncomfortable or even angry sometimes when I’m bothered by relentless salespeople. When thinking about my experiences with these kind of people, I immediately was reminded of a scene from one of my favorite movies, Nacho Libre, which roughly displays this kind of interaction.


In this scene, although Ramses is a jerk and Nacho Libre is innocently asking a request, Ramses takes the role of the potential prospect who is bothered by a “salesman”. When pestered and complimented, he reacted in anger and quite obviously didn’t give Nacho what he was seeking. I have also been tempted to react this way with annoying salespeople who try to force their product on me, or compliment me in order to try to sell me something, and I’m sure most of you have wanted to react this way as well!

5 thoughts on “How not to interact with Prospects”
  1. This is so true. I completely forgot about this movie, but while Ramses handled it the wrong way, you could definitely say that is how many people feel when a sales person approaches them.

  2. This is a great example of how we all feel when a salesperson will not go away, thanks for sharing! I wonder if Nacho Libre had sent the kids to get the autograph (pulling on the cuteness) if Ramses would have reacted differently.

  3. I love this clip! Your example does a great job of what NOT to do even though what he does is EXACTLY what so many salespeople still do. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Amen to what everyone above has said! This video clip is definitely an example of what not to do! Sometimes, I do find myself being especially ungraceful though towards salespeople and I have to remind myself that they are human too and maybe they are simply or just nervous! Overall though, I don’t think anyone ever appreciated a salesperson who just drooled and fawned and fallowed them around like a puppy. Great post!

  5. I highly disagree with the comments above!

    Just kidding.

    Funny that you mention the ‘fake salesman compliments,’ they are totally real! I once sold expensive sunglasses and protocol was to find something to compliment every customer on.

    While it IS technically a sales tactic, I always kept my compliments sincere and the customers typically enjoyed them. If I was the recipient, I think I’d say “Gee, thanks!” and not look into it further.

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