By Leona Bently

What does the word above bring to mind? If you know what this word means without Googling it I’m impressed. If not, don’t worry. Unless you’re a doctor of sorts, I promise you won’t have to know this word for daily vocabulary. Merriam-Webster defines the root term hematology as “a medical science that deals with the blood and blood-forming organs.” Therefore the definition of hematological is “of or relating to blood or to hematology.” Now a question you might want to ask me is “why the heck are we talking about blood if this blog is for a sales class?!?” Two things:

  1. I wanted to talk about some family dynasties that have mastered the art of selling. (get it? selling being IN the blood *ha ha ha*)
  2. I wanted a title to catch your eye, make you read my post, and then waste one of your comments on how philosophical my use of language was in relation to my topic.

Clever right? (Note my awesome use of rhetorical questions.) Now for some content! Here’s a picture of important people since your eyes are starting to glaze over due to lack of imagery:

Image result for estee lauder family

Since this is a classic black and white photo, its historic, meaning you have no idea who this photo is of. Let me tell you; this is esteemed cosmetologist Estée Lauder (pictured middle). I’m sure you’ve heard of her, her company, or at least seen a steamy and kinda strange perfume commercial of hers. Her and her family are actually super cool and selling really is in their blood so I highly recommend you check them out here. Now that you really have checked out the link (right?) , you’ll see how awesome the family is and how selling is in their blood or “hematological.” Now you can go praise me in the comments for being so clever. Feel free to use this same exact format for all five of your other posts that you have to make the day before the final. You’re welcome. Also, one more thing: hope this post made you laugh.


By LeonaB

One thought on “To Sell is Hematological”
  1. This is a really interesting concept. In this view, sales can be seen as a trait similar to comedy. If you can make people laugh, your kid can make people laugh – if you are good at selling, your kid can be good at selling. It would be really cool to see some research done over that! Thanks for sharing!

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