One of the most interesting things I believe we have learned this semester dealt with the idea of increasing your power by reducing it. At first glance when I read Pink’s book, I did not quite understand the statement. First off, it is important to understand how Pink describes attunement. On page 68 Pink says “The ability to bring one’s actions and outlook into harmony with other people and with the context you’re in.” Usually, when someone has a lot of power and authority, they are unable bring things together. People with lots of power often only are able to understand what is going on through their own mind. Obviously as the customer, they would much rather be the ones with more power, and if they are not they may feel discouraged. Also, if you give the customer more power, not only are they happy, but you can actually learn more about that customer and be able to do a better job.

I actually believe this is a good lesson outside of sales as well. In many situations in life if you can do this, I think it would be a positive. If you can humble yourself, put others first, and show you care about others, a lot of people will come to respect you. Not only was this a lesson I plan to use in my work career in the future, but it is something I will strive to do everyday in my life as well.

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