Yesterday’s Sales Experience

Yesterday I had an interesting sales experience when I decided on the fly to go to the outlets with my friend Casey. We were planning on going to Old Navy because she had purchased a nice dress and I wanted one that was similar. On our way there, walking down the sidewalk, she decided to stop into another store. Seeing it was Lucky Brand Company, I agree to come in with her. I was in the middle of telling her about my crazy weekend with my mother in law and the sales attendant interrupted me by asking if we had brought her an iced coffee. It took me by surprise that she asked this, and then I remembered Casey and I were both holding Starbucks drinks. After joking around with her about iced coffee, I tried to get back to my story. She again interrupted me and asked if the story I was telling was about a date. I said no, and that it was about my weekend with my husband’s mother. She laughed and began to fold clothes as I continued… again. As I was talking, she saw I was looking at a specific shirt. So she interjected that the shirt would look cute on me. I said thank you, and she took it from my hands and put it in the fitting room. I then felt forced to try it on and after I had tried on 5 or 6 items that she kept bringing me, I told Casey we should leave because of time. The sales attendant didn’t push clothes on us then, but started asking us where we were from, what we studied, what we want to do with our degrees, and many other questions. As we were backing out of the store, she offered us a job if we ever wanted to work at Lucky Brand. Although I’m sure she is nice to work with, her sales technique needs a bit a tweaking. The story I was telling would have taken 2 minutes, but instead took 15 staggered, long minutes.

4 thoughts on “My Interesting Sales Experience”
  1. This is such an awful experience! You were a lot stronger than I was, I probably would have left after she annoyed me too much. She must have been bored, haha. Classic mistake of being too pushy and freaking the buyers out. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Wow what an interesting experience. She sounds like such a horrible salesperson! No sense of personal space/privacy whatsoever. I don’t think I would have lasted that long, you are a strong woman! She is definitely an example of what not to do as a salesperson to be sure. Thanks for sharing!

  3. As a salesperson it is important to be confident, but this particular salesperson sound like she is a bit to confident and also quite pushy. You would think after seeing your reaction the first time that she interrupted that she would have stopped, but she didn’t. This goes to show how important it is to be able to read people as a salesperson.

  4. It is so crazy to hear some of the stories that happen at the outlets, but I am not surprised with this one! Anytime I go into Lucky Brand their salespeople are super involved in my shopping experience (Not always in a bad way!) But I totally understand how you must have felt. It would have been nice of her to help you pick out some clothes to try on … if you were interested. Which she could have found out with a few simple questions. Maybe she should come sit in on one of our sales classes. 🙂

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