By Leona Bently

In celebration of the end of the semester (aka last-minute job hunt season) I have decided to write my very last post on the qualities that companies are looking for in new hires. But first, here is a clip of everything you should NOT do when job searching and interviewing:

Now that you know what companies are not looking for, let’s get on to a compilation of what you should be exemplifying in your interviews.

While we may think that the only thing future bosses are looking for is mad PowerPoint skills, upon reaching out to some very successful people, I have discovered that they are looking for much more than that. The millennial generation as well as our own generation are known to be technologically advanced, therefore, that aspect of our skills is already expected to be on the list of what we can bring to a company. Because of that general assumption, managers are looking more deeply into character than they are in technical skills. While the list may vary depending on circumstances, it may be helpful to highlight these items before interviewing with a potential employer:

  1. How do you handle yourself in public? 
  2. How well do you engage in conversation?
  3. Are you confident?
  4. How sincere are you?
  5. Your work ethic.
  6. Are you trustworthy?
  7. How do you interact with others?

Ask yourself there questions, work on anything that’s lacking, and sell yourself well.



By LeonaB

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