The Customer’s Mind

Understanding the thoughts and drives of customers is vital to successful sales. A couple of the most significant areas of the customers psychology are outlined below:

  1. Personal Goals

What are the customer’s motives? What are they hoping to do? Even deeper, why are they invested in doing it? What has them excited about the prospect of this sale? These are the types of questions you want the answers to. If you can understand their ambitions in this field, and address them, you have a much higher chance of selling.

2. Risk

How much is the customer willing to sacrifice to have their need fixed? How much are they willing to spend? How much are they sacrificing because they do not have your product? Understanding the threshold of your customer’s pain allows you to present them with a solution they have every reason to accept.

3. Decision Making

Who are all of the decision makers in this process? One of the most important issues to address, you must make sure you have all of the relevant decision makers informed on your product before you try to make the sale. If you do not, you put yourself at incredible risk of having the person you discuss this with approve of working with you, only to have the true decision maker nix your sale.

The Psychology of the buyer must be kept in mind at all times. Without dealing with the buyer’s needs, the risks they are willing to take, and understanding all of the people who have a vested interest in this decision, your sale is at risk.

One thought on “Psychology and The Sales Process”
  1. You make an excellent point within the first few sentences. Digging into the customer’s “why” is crucial to uncovering their goals. “Why’s” are usually much deeper than just hitting goals or making money, so getting to that personal level and asking the deep questions to uncover “why” can help you serve them better.

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