Something Pink discussed in his book about selling was attunement. I think a lot of typical / older salespeople don’t even think about this concept at all. In short, attunement is basically just a shift in one’s perspective (similar to empathy in a way). Attunement is made up of three principles: increasing your power by reducing it, using your head as much as your heart, and mimicking strategically. Mimicry is also broken down into three principles: watching, waiting, and waning.

Another key element to attunement is finding a balance between an extrovert and an introvert. Pink descries this balance as being an “ambivert”.

2 thoughts on “Attunement”
  1. Whenever a good salesperson uses attunement methods on me, I hardly ever notice. It’s such a natural feeling conversation. What better way to find the problem they have?

  2. I agree with the previous comment, it’s definitely hard to discern when a good salesperson is attuning to what my situation is. Definitely something to try to put into practice!

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