Throughout Junior and Senior year, I have had numerous presentations where students or Professors have had the opportunity to ask questions or oppose certain points made. Now handling objections has never been a strong suit for me because I have a tendency of freezing completely and forgetting everything I know about my subject matter. However, I have found that when my knowledge of the subject or product extends beyond just what the average person knows,  or what the manual says, it increases my confidence in answering their objection accurately.

If there was one thing that I would have suggested to all Sales Professors, it would be to spend more time on how to answer objections and give students interactive scenarios on how to effectively put an objection to rest. Anyone can memorize details of the product, myself included, but where I definitely need more help is how to use my current product knowledge to ease the customer’s hesitations.

One thought on “Reflection on Handling Objections and Tip for Professors”
  1. I think that many teachers struggle with not just always preaching and giving facts than situations and real-life scenarios. Having experience is so much more helpful than facts on a page to memorize.

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