If you were given $1000 right now how would you spend it?

  • pay off student loans
  • car payment
  • cell phone payment
  • gas
  • rent
  • clothes
  • put it in your savings
  • spend it on a gift for someone else
  • spend it as a “Treat yourself” moment

They way you plan on spending this money says a lot about you. It will reveal what you value and how you prioritize your money. Many people choose now but when they are forced to see themselves in the future the Me Later group always gets more money. There is a disconnect with seeing ourselves now and seeing ourselves as we grow older. As salespeople, we should be aware of this disconnect! This leads into clarity- salespeople need to help their prospects see their situation for what it is and what it will be in the future. Salespeople act as that friendly push in the right direction.


2 thoughts on “Me Now VS. Me Later”
  1. It is so hard to see yourself in the future and be a bit future focused. I know someone who is very good at this and it makes life much easier for him continuously because he saved up 2 years ago for today and next year, there will still be resources saved. It is so important to make sure you address the true problem of a prospect, not just the one they tell you.

  2. Interesting hook and tie in in the beginning. I never really connected my perception of my own needs and self to the persuasion of sales people.

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