I took the advice of a previous blogger to try the rejection letter generator. I asked for two different letters to be sent to me via email. As I was waiting for them to come in, I saw this image on the website which illustrates what the website is all about.


As I looked at this and chuckled, I realized I was in the stack in the library and I should stop laughing out loud. Just then, the emails came in. They read as follows.

The “You’ve Got To Be Kidding Me” Letter

Dear Writer,

I don’t read. You know I don’t read. I like cable. But even cable has its CNN, which is a disaster, just horrible from beginning to end. You’re the CNN of writers.


The “Trumper” Letter

Dear Writer,

Maybe you could get a job as a speechwriter for the Democrats. They’re losers, too!


There is no doubt that these letters could help you be more realistic in your sales position, however, I just found them funny as they were all signed as follows:

Yours in Power,
Donald J. Trump
Guest Rejector
President-Elect of the United States of America

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