My parents recently moved from New Jersey across the border into Pennsylvania, but before we moved my parents and I had an interesting experience with a realtor. Over Easter break I had the chance to go with my parents to a couple prospective houses. While we were visiting one of these houses (which ironically was the one my parents ended up buying), we were constantly being pestered by the realtor with furniture suggestions and what she thought we should do with certain spaces of the house. She was pushing her perspective onto us, trying to make us to conform to the way she was seeing things. This got quite annoying, especially for my mom who is extremely adept at decorating and organizing rooms. As the prospects, we remained calmed and didn’t argue, however we were turned off to all the suggestions the realtor was making. In most scenarios, this would’ve caused the sale to fall through since the realtor tried to “paint seagulls in our picture,” however we still ended up deciding on that house, probably because of my mom’s vision for the place. After remembering this experience, I was able to tie it in with Rule #18 to not paint seagulls in the prospect’s picture. 

2 thoughts on “Realtors Painting Seagulls”
  1. Wow! What a rookie mistake for the realtor. If I were in the same shoes as your parents I would think that the realtor thought I was dumb and couldn’t make a decision myself on how to decorate my own (potentially) home. It’s good that you realized this when you went.

  2. That would drive me insane. The realtor is not responsible for selling interior decorating service. Its a wonder that she didn’t turn you off from the sale of the house.

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