When it comes to sales, it is important to put the customer first. This is something that may come as a surprise to the customer as in most sales positions people generally expect to be nothing more than an object to be sold to. Customers may be surprised when you put them before the sale instead of making the sale the number one priority. This is something that can bring value, in not just annoying them, but rather building trust with them. Trust is the foundation that will open you up to lasting relationships with customers. The key in moving these sales relationships is not to irritate your customer, but rather to agitate them.

AGITATE- Agitation is a word that commonly has a negative connotation. When you think of agitating someone you think of being an annoying pest. However, in terms of sales, agitation can be a positive thing. Agitation as defined in class as “challenging people to do something THEY want to do. In this, instead of coming at someone and pushing them to do something that you want to do, you are instead getting them to do something that they want to do. This is how you actively push a sale forward. This should be not necessarily on your terms, but on theirs.

DON’T IRRITATE- Now that we know how to agitate someone, we must make sure that we know not to irritate them. Irritate refers to pushing someone to do something that YOU want them to do. This comes off as irritating and pushy to the customer, and this often displaces a sale. So in sales situations remember to always agitate not irritate!

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