Is being too friendly possible? YES. When it comes to sales there is a fine line that you must walk between showing interest and coming across as “too friendly”. By too friendly I’m meaning too eager and talkative. Sales conversations should be casual between the salesman and the customer. If you walk into a sales situation and are “too friendly” you could easily scare away your prospect or deflect their interest elsewhere. This relates to Core Concept #5 as we learned in class: Never Answer an Unasked Question. This concept refers to not over talking and sharing information that the prospect didn’t ask to hear. In sales conversations the prospect should do most of the talking. By being too eager and answering unasked questions, you take the focus off of the prospect and their pain, and shift it to yourself and your product. This may cause the prospect to lose interest and their attention could shift elsewhere to the point where they are no longer invested in your conversation. You should focus on them and allow them to do most of the talking by asking them thought provoking questions that will allow you to better define the pain that they are feeling so that you can better solve their pain. In summary, it is important to not be over eager when selling to customers. You should be intentional and show interest, but do not hit them with over friendly conversation as you walk into a sale.

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