A classic sales technique in companies is to have their sales scripted. In this way, they can ensure that their salesmen say exactly what they want them to. In this the customer is getting full information on their service/product and is hearing it in a streamlined and complete way. This technique seems foolproof, however it’s not. What happens if your prospect doesn’t respond in a way that the company had planned for? What if there is no script for that? At this point the salesmen has no option but to improvise. Why not start with improv in the first place? Scripted sales often do not sound natural, and may come off as salesy to prospects. This usually sounds fake and can ruin a sales conversation. Organic conversations using improvisation are the best way to connect with your prospect. In order to be good at sales, salesmen need to be spontaneous and adaptable. They need to be able to react on the spot to new information, pains and goals. In doing this, no sales conversation will be the same, but rather they will each be unique to the specific prospect and their situation. This is a more personal approach at sales, and will make the prospect feel that you are truly getting to know their situation and their company. This in turn builds trust and better business relationships going forward. Improvisation is a key skill when it comes to sales.

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