The other night I was doing my laundry and started talking to a friend. She was telling me that she has a lot of room for electives next year. I started to recommend to her this sales class because it is really practical. She chuckled and said she would hate to take the class.

Realizing how much people have a fear of selling, I was kind of determined to “sell” her on the class. Sales is practical, real world, and positions you for success no matter what path you choose. She agreed with me, but still expressed discomfort and fear at ever selling anything.

Why are we afraid of selling?

I think it’s because it feels vulnerable. You are putting yourself and your reputation on the line. You don’t want someone to get the wrong impression of you.

I realized even in myself that I tend to glorify the person I am selling to and elevate them and get even more intimidated by the process. It hit me recently that they are just a person, too. They have flaws, they make mistakes, they have insecurities. They are not better, they are not worse.

As a senior, the job search almost broke me. It is stressful, vulnerable, and scary. Over time, it is natural to equate a lack of job as a lack of value. My parents called me on it when they heard defeat in my voice.

Selling things is hard, selling yourself can be terrifying.

Next time you walk into an interview, sales call, meeting, whatever, I challenge you to look at the person behind the desk, relate to them as a person, and shake off insecurity. Do not sell yourself short (pun intended).

One thought on “Why are we afraid to sell?”
  1. I definitely agree with your comment that sales makes us feel vulnerable. I think something else we also fear when selling to others is rejection; we don’t want to get turned away and feel like we failed as a result.

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