I have been doing a lot of thinking about the role of sales in ministry. How do we use the sales techniques to focus on Biblical principles? Here are a few easy ways to apply what we have learned in class to the great commission:


  1. Don’t argue

As we have learned in class, attempting to convince people to buy into something usually isn’t the best tactic. People do not want to be sold to, even when it comes to the gospel. A much better and more effective approach would be to build relationships and challenge their current worldview through your actions and when appropriate, kind words.

  1. Everyone has a different way of viewing God

It is tempting and easy to try and paint a picture for others, about what a life may look like with God in it. The truth of the matter is that people experience God in a lot of different ways, and how they seem Him is based off of a lot of different factors that we may not fully understand. I have heard so many different accounts of how people have experienced God in their lives and each one is different from the last. This means that we need to be careful when describing the person of God itself, he doesn’t fit into any sort of cookie cutter we can create, so keep that in mind when approaching someone in regards to this topic.

  1. Exaggerate

Overselling a product in sales is a big no-no. Mainly because you don’t want people to have buyer’s remorse after they buy. This however, is not a problem in sharing the gospel. We are fortunate enough to, in the words of Francis Chan, “serve a God that cannot be exaggerated”. This is one of the most freeing and amazing things about the gospel. You can never overstate the goodness of a relationship with Christ. In fact, you can’t even come close to the reality of what this relationship means for a person’s life. So, exaggerate away!


One thought on “Gospel Sales”
  1. I love this post, especially point #2. In this country, we get so caught up in denominations, politics, religion that we forget that there are so many expressions of the the Father. Living life with Jesus is an adventure, but it is certainly not cookie cutter. Thanks for sharing!

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