Football Coach, Andrew D. Danado, came into class to give us a guest lecture his entire lecture was about selling genuinely. To show us how we should do this he showed up the sales funnel. to sum it up shortly he gave up 4 points need analysis, need awareness, need solution, and finally need satisfaction. Andrew talked about how each would benefit both the seller and the buyer, finishing with, “features tell, Benefits sell”

I think the reason this really resonated with me was because of the aspects of relationship building that this whole sales funnel talks about. It feels more genuine because it is. I think another reason, at least from a business perspective, is that happy customers will be more likely to comeback than disappointed ones. But what really stood out the most to me was his talk about when objections came around, how they are actually the best part, because you can show them exactly how they are wrong which as he said could be your strongest argument. The reason that also stood out to me was that I actually saw it in action with my father, he took me to some of his client meetings, and whenever the client brought up an objection my dad would still have the smile on his face and happily explain why the objection has no ground and why its actually a good thing.

Overall, I really enjoyed the lecture as well as the meaning of what he was trying to convey to us.

3 thoughts on “The Sales Funnel”
  1. As a Grove City football player I got to see his sales funnel in first person through the recruiting experience and let me tell you, it is fantastic. He is one of the best salesmen I have ever seen and overall a great guy. In his speech I could see how he used each of his four points of sales and I was able to relate them to my recruiting experience. This really made my experience a great one and he is truly a book of knowledge. I’m sure he was a fantastic medical salesmen and he is a great man in every aspect of life.

    1. I really enjoyed his lecture, too. The way he spoke to us was very captivating, and I am sure that is part of how he is so successful in sales. I also liked when he said that when “buyers” have objections, we should take that as a time to politely prove them wrong and can turn their objections into positive things.

  2. Coach Dido has been a very influential role in my future career interests so listening him give the sales funnel lecture was extremely interesting to me. I especially agreed with coach about making a relationship with the consumer so that you can better understand what their needs are. I also understood that if there was nothing for the consumer to gain from the sale then it is better to be honest with them instead of just trying to make the sale.

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