In the past, the world of sales relied upon ambitious door to door salesmen eager to get the news out about their product and show its worth. These men were able to show off their products through lengthy, well-rehearsed pitches that would try to push the customer into buying their product. Through tedious arguments. The salesmen would rope a customer in until they had no excuses for not buying. And thus, this was the game of sales: using word play and pushy confidence to get goods sold. Sales didn’t rely so much on the product as it did the person, and thus many people believed a good salesman could sell anything. But then the Internet revolutionized the world of sales. Suddenly, people didn’t have to wait for salesmen to come knocking on their door to hear about the latest innovations. People could look up their specified wants and needs and see a virtual market that was full of information about the products they wanted. Many believed this to be the end of the salesmen, but this could not be further from the truth. The internet could not replace the salesman’s role it just changed it radically. Sales is more about the product and the customer, than about a salesman ability to convince a customer. Because of the internet, there is no rehearsed speech from a salesman.  Instead salesmen are now focused on the personal positive experience the customer has and finding out what their customer wants and giving it to them. A lot of times salesmen are not present with their customers so they must anticipate what the customer is thinking. This requires a salesman to move his customers to buy their product through a nonverbal relationship. Because of this, it is not just the salesman’s job to move a customer to buy and re-buy it is the also the job of the website designer, manufactures, and the people who pack and deliver the item. Therefore, since sales is the business of moving people, and since many business’s no longer interact face to face with their customers, what moves a customer to buy is much broader, and therefore so is the job of the salesman.

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