We have been exploring the keys to a great salesman (and woman) all semester long and how counter cultural the correct concept of a good salesman is now a days in this era. Forbes had some great ideas on what the current salesman is comprised of and what they do. For us going forward to preach about this new era of the salesforce and to redefine the cultural ideas of what a salesman is. I think many of these 10 would be great to have in the back of your mind the next time you get into a conversation with someone about interest in sales.
1. You like to listen to people and they find it easy to talk to you. You remember details about people you’ve met.
2. You enjoy asking people questions about themselves and integrating their answers into your understanding of them.
3. You like to design solutions for problems that you, your friends and your family members face. You like to work out problems, either on paper or a screen or in your head.
4. You like to work toward concrete goals and you especially like to exceed them. You like the way it feels when your heart is pumping because you’re about to beat a personal milestone, even if no one else knows about it.
5. You feel constrained or held back by the traditional corporate and institutional rules, processes and time frames — for instance, waiting for your manager’s approval to take every tiny step. You would love to have more independence at work.
6. You have no trouble managing yourself — setting goals, breaking them down, and reaching them.
7. You are always spinning visions and big ideas in your head — bigger than anything you see around you in the real world right now.
8. You would enjoy interacting with a lot of people, keeping numerous balls spinning at once and charging forward toward your goals — probably not on a nine-to-five schedule or even close.
9. You don’t see a way to reach your financial goals following your current career path.
10. You want to grow muscles and get stronger as a business person. Your muscles will get huge in a sales job!
These may be nice have when trying to convince someone its not all about the pushiness and that they might even have an interest in sales selling.


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