I learned a lot of valuable lessons from my “first” job. I was an entrepreneur at heart so it did not take long for me to find my next big project to make money on. Where I live, my parents own a decent amount of land. With the help of my dad, I was able to put in five 50 yard rows of raspberries and black raspberries. I had to do all kinds of tasks to ensure that the business would survive. I advertised everyday by the road. I had to weed out the weeds from the rows and pick thousands of berries over the course of a summer. I began selling in June and sold all the way through August. My setup was simple. Everyday, I would wake up and pick roughly 20 to 30 berry cartons a day and place them in a fridge that was set up on my driveway. Customers would literally line up to pick up fresh picked berries and buy them directly from me. The set up was all self-serve which did lead to some issues. Beside the fridge, I had a money box, where people would place their cash. On some rare occassions, people would be rude and take cartons without leaving their money. I believe I lost roughly 50 dollars that summer. I believe the most rewarding thing from this whole experience was when I would get repeat customers. Sharing stories with them was awesome. Some days, I wish I still did it so I could light up peoples lives. That summer as an 11-year-old kid I made roughly 1,500 dollars which back then seemed like a million dollars to me. One thing I learned was ways to sell more product by offering deals like 2 for 5$. Overall, this is one of my fondest childhood memories.

One thought on “My second Job”
  1. I think its awesome that you were learning the valuable skills of hard work and entrepreneurship at a young age. Those are excellent traits for future ventures.

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