A brief video from Gary Vaynerchuk. Gary is an entrepreneur and speaker who specializes in digital marketing and social media. In this video he touches on advice for sales people. Gary will quickly run through 5 tips. First, marketing in the moment we live in. He says that it is extremely important to create content where the action actually is. Second, Automation is not the answer, you must first build the relationships. Third, use the right tool for the right job. Every platform is different and each platform can be used uniquely for each situation. Fourth, is to create more content. There does not always need to be a sales objective when creating content. Lastly, Gary says to adapt and never complain. I believe this to be the most important tip. Every situation is different and we have to be able to adapt and adjust in order to survive. Gary also focuses a ton of attention on social media and the effect that it plays in sales today. He says that if you are not selling from these platforms today then you are behind the 8 ball and in fact not very relevant in some situations. Email and phone calls are still extremely important in the selling process, but not in the stage of pitching your product or service. He even claims to have not even responded to a one on one sales pitch over email in over a decade, let alone an email blaster sent to hundreds if not thousands of customers. You can have the greatest tools in front of you, but if you do not use them correctly you will lose. You have to be good at your craft and love the sales process. the best sales person is the anti-sales person, the one who truly cares about the customer.

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